Organisation chart

Ministerial Cabinet

The roles and responsibilities of the ministerial cabinet cover the following main areas:

Coordination of the Ministry's policy

The ministerial cabinet:

  • Helps the minister to formalize or specify the objectives expressed by the political will
  • Oversees the implementation of the ministerial policy by the ministry’s departments
  • Defines the lines of conduct of the Housing Observatory  for an empirical study on housing and sees to the coordination thereof
  • Sees to the management of correspondence and the coordination of the outgoing correspondence of the ministry
  • Sees to the proper running of the ministry by defining the framework and lines of conduct for the overall functioning thereof
  • Guarantees the cohesion and consistency of the ministry’s specific policy from the preparation of the dossiers to the execution thereof in relation to the objectives of the national policy
  • Helps socially underprivileged persons to gain access to decent housing
  • Helps public and private developers with the construction of social housing projects
  • Helps families which want to acquire or rent housing
  • Sees to the coordination, management and monitoring of projects in terms of electronic governance, eGovernment (website, Intranet, etc.) and manages the computer population

Relations with other institutions

The ministerial cabinet:

  • Sees to and coordinates relations with the other ministries and public institutions, both national (such as the Chamber of Deputies, the Council of State, the Ombudsman and the Court of Audit, etc.) and international.
  • Sees to processing and follow-up of parliamentary questions and the Ombudsman’s observations
  • Cooperates in the preparation of the “Sectoral Housing Plan”

Public relations 

The ministerial cabinet:

  • Sees to the press review, preparation of press releases and conferences and the implementation of the minister’s and ministry’s communication policy in cooperation with the information and press department of the Ministry of State
  • Manages the public relations, the design and implementation of promotional campaigns as well as the organization and monitoring of events involving the ministry

Legal, legislative and financial Affairs

The ministerial cabinet:

  • Draws up draft legislation, Grand Ducal decrees and ministerial decrees
  • Draws up and oversees the implementation of the Lease Act and provides information to citizens on the matter
  • Coordinates the preparation of – and manages – the budget and requests for allocations with the ministry’s departments
  • Monitors the implementation of the budget and acts as the contact for the financial controller and the general inspectorate of finance.

Personnel and facilities Affairs

The ministerial cabinet:

  • Sees to the administrative management of the department’s staff and the management and monitoring of training plans
  • Watches over respect for legislation on civil servant status and employment contract
  • Sees to the management of attendance and dialogue with the staff
  • Sees to logistics, organization and management of the purchasing of furniture, the computer population and running costs of the ministry, including the centralized processing of internal orders. 




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